Remembering that our theme for this year of GIFT is "We are Church", I was wondering if you knew that 90%of the 4.3 million women & men who serve in church ministries around the world are LAY people - that is, people besides the ordained priests and permanent deacons, who are the other 10%. You can see that right here in St. James' staff. We have 1 priest, 2 permanent deacons and 12 dedicated lay people. Yes, I, S. Carol Ann Jaeger, am considered part of the laity. Sisters are not ordained and therefore not considered part of the clergy.
Today in the United States, there are an esimated 31,000 lay ecclesial(church) ministers serving in Catholic parishes. St. James Staff is part of that group. Many of you do thank us when you see us "for all the hard work you do ." We appreciate that very much. We appreciate all of your cooperation and volunteering you do at S. James.
This weekend, there will be a commisisioning service for all the volunteers who serve in the ministries of passing on the faith to children, youth and adults. When the category is announced and you are part of,i.e. teach in the GIFT program, please come forward.
Always remember that by virtue of our Baptism, ALL are called to spread the Good News of the Gospel by our words & actions. We are all commissioned to pass on our Catholic faith.
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