Thursday, September 16, 2010

Parenting class for parents of teens

Love and Logic for parents of Teens

September 27th through November 1st
(6 consecutive Monday Evenings)
6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the Youth Room (#1)

For parents of Middle and High School Youth

Have you ever wondered why the techniques that your parents used for child rearing don’t work so well for you. Do you wonder how to be a more effective parent? Would you like to gain some new insights and tools to help you parent?
The Love and Logic method might be the answer. This method teaches parents how to hold their kids accountable for their actions by locking in empathy, love, and understanding, prior to telling kids what the consequences of their actions will be. This method causes the child to see their parent as the “good guy” and the child’s poor decision as the “bad guy”. When it’s done on a regular basis, kids develop an internal voice that says, “I wonder how much pain I’m going to cause for myself with my next decision?” Kids who develop this internal voice become more capable of standing up to peer pressure. This common sense approach provides parents with easy to learn skills that create respect, responsibility, and good decision making in youth.

Love and Logic rests on four scientifically-based principles:

1. Logical consequences delivered with empathy
2. Collective thinking and problem-solving
3. Shared control
4. Adult-child relationships that build mutual respect and self esteem

If you think this is something for you, or you have questions, call Sue at 253-2904 to reserve your space today!

Name _____________________________________ Phone ___________________

E-Mail address _______________________________________________________

How old are your children? _____________________________________________

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