Thursday, September 24, 2009

Living Beyond the "End of the World"

A Spirituality of Hope
With Environmentalist and
Author Margaret Swedish
Sunday, September 27, 11:45 am
St. James Parish Hall

Daily we are overrun with news and debates on energy, food, water, climate and economics - interrelated forces that could undermine the fabric of life as we know it. How will we contend with issues like water shortages, the end of “cheap oil”, and the global food crises? What is the potential impact on the poor and powerless in the U.S. and around the world? How can we as people of faith and compassion change our actions to help humankind face these challenges? With Margaret we will explore the spiritual meaning of the ecological crisis that now faces our precious Earth, where the changes required are particularly profound.

Please join us for Margaret’s presentation on Sunday, September 27 at 11:45 am following mass and the Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast. Please invite your friends and neighbors to hear this wonderful speaker. All are welcome!

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