Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jesus: friend, companion, spouse

“Who do you say that I am?” (Mark 8:29)

Who do I say Jesus is for me?

A friend, a companion, my spouse.  That last one may surprise you, but you see I am a woman religious, Sister Carol Ann.  When I was received into my religious community of the School Sisters of St. Francis, I was told that now I was a bride of Christ.  At the time, it didn't have a very deep meaning.  However, as the years went by, 48 of them in religious life, it has taken on a very real and significant understanding of Jesus for me.

It especially came home to me several years ago when I was driving in a snowstorm.  I was getting very frightened and thought to myself, "I sure wish I had a husband riding with me to calm me down."  I came to the realization, I do have a companion, an encourager, a supporter and yes even a challenger to help me grow in my love of God and others.  That is precisely what the primary purpose of marriage is: the good of the couple that is, the santification ofe ach other.

Fortunately, for me I didn't have to worry about the sanctification of my spouse.  He certainly has been helping me to grow closer to God and others.

Thank you all for being the presence of Jesus in my life.

Sister Carol Ann, SSSF

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