Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The annual CCOS (Cooperating Churches of Sussex) Mini-Workcamp will be held on Saturday, April 16th. This is a day long service project where adults and youth (Gr. 7 and up) do Spring clean up for senior citizens in the area. The help the area residents are looking for are things such as raking, window washing, cleaning gutters and various odds and ends. The youth are divided into groups of about 5-7 with an adult leader to transport and supervise them. With so many hands and much energy each crew is able to do about 5 different sites in the time they are given.

We provide meals throughout the day beginning with breakfast at 7:30 while they are getting acquainted with their crew and learn about their assignments. We close at the end of the day with a dinner held at Redeemer UCC which is just down the road from us on the other side of Lisbon. Many of the senior citizens come to join us for dinner at 4:00 and after dinner while having dessert there is a small closing program with a powerpoint showing pictures taken throughout the day and a few witness talks.

Please consider joining us! ALL Registration forms can be found at the St. James website at under Christian Formation, and are due to Greg Zyla no later than April 1st. There is a Youth Form, an Adult Form and if you know a senior in the vicinity that needs our help feel free to get a form to them or have them call 253-2902, so that we can provide them the assistance they need.

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