Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Linden Grove Bingo

We have heard from a number of families that they have really enjoyed the service opportunity available through GIFT of facilitating Bingo at Linden Grove. The residents really enjoy families taking time out of their day to visit and play bingo with them. We are looking for 2 families yet to take the Saturday, May 21st date and go for a few hours in the afternoon. Let us know if your family would like to do this or sign up at the April GIFT session.

A second way of service for Linden Grove is if you would bring small prize items for the Bingo games. We always have a shiny purple box on the table where you find your packets and it has a list of items such as lotions, puzzle books, slipper socks, boxes of kleenex, etc. that could be used as prizes for the residents when they win. Small items donated can bring much joy to the residents, so please consider bringing a few items for Linden Grove when you come to our April GIFT session.


The annual CCOS (Cooperating Churches of Sussex) Mini-Workcamp will be held on Saturday, April 16th. This is a day long service project where adults and youth (Gr. 7 and up) do Spring clean up for senior citizens in the area. The help the area residents are looking for are things such as raking, window washing, cleaning gutters and various odds and ends. The youth are divided into groups of about 5-7 with an adult leader to transport and supervise them. With so many hands and much energy each crew is able to do about 5 different sites in the time they are given.

We provide meals throughout the day beginning with breakfast at 7:30 while they are getting acquainted with their crew and learn about their assignments. We close at the end of the day with a dinner held at Redeemer UCC which is just down the road from us on the other side of Lisbon. Many of the senior citizens come to join us for dinner at 4:00 and after dinner while having dessert there is a small closing program with a powerpoint showing pictures taken throughout the day and a few witness talks.

Please consider joining us! ALL Registration forms can be found at the St. James website at under Christian Formation, and are due to Greg Zyla no later than April 1st. There is a Youth Form, an Adult Form and if you know a senior in the vicinity that needs our help feel free to get a form to them or have them call 253-2902, so that we can provide them the assistance they need.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lent Soup Supper

                                          Fasting with Friends
Ash Wednesday Soup Supper
March 9th, 2011 
5:00 – 5:50 p.m. – Serve soup
6:00 – Liturgy
6:45 – 7:30 p.m. – Serve Soup
All are welcome to attend this event.
Through fasting, prayer, &  giving of Alms (sacrifices and money),
we will honor the beginning of Lent

Come to Church to Pray with the community.
There will be an Ash Wednesday mass at 6:00 p.m.

After prayer, come to the Community Center to Fast with a Simple meal.
We will serve a simple meal of soup, bread, and beverages for all to share.

Come to give alms.
All Donations will go to operation Rice bowl.
Come to enjoy the friendship of your parish Family.
The menu will include;
Homemade Soup, bread, and a beverage.
Any questions call Sue Devine-Simon at 262-253-2904


Don’t forget to come to the concert/revival this Sunday, March 6 at 5:30PM(early enough for families). It is here at St. James in church. Bring your Bible & a snack. Fr. John is a very good speaker and the music should be awesome. Watch the bulletins and the website for more Lenten opportunities for faith enrichment.


For those of you who are available during the daytime, we will have our usual 6 week Lenten series for personal spiritual growth on Wednesday mornings from 9 – 10:15 AM. The series begins on Ash Wednesday, March 16 and goes through Wednesday, April 13th. The resource will be Joyce Rupp’s book Open the door, a Journey to the true self. It will include about 2 pages for each day in the week with reflection questions, a brief meditation, a prayer & a scripture passage. Once a week we will share & pray together.

Cost: $15, payable to St. James
Register by calling S. Carol Ann at 262-253-2915 or email
Deadline: Monday, March 7 so books can be ordered


Here is a link to the Lenten BLOG which will be a family orientated Lenten reflection tool and be available beginning on Monday, March 7th. Please check it out and see how this might work with your family.