Thursday, February 4, 2010

Parish Cluster Lenten Mission

Four Saints and a Good Shepherd Cluster will host the Lenten Mission on Sunday, March 7 through Wednesday, March 10 at St. Agnes Parish in Butler from 7:00 - 8:30 PM.

The theme, "Unleashing the Reconciling Power of Jesus in Our Lives", will focus on our need as Catholics to experience reconciliation. This three evening session will examine a unique view of reconciliation. The mission will conclude with a reconciliation service on Wednesday.

Presenters are Fr. Don Hying, Rector of St. Francis Seminary and Sr. Fran Cunningham, SSSF, Director of the Milwaukee Archdiocesan Office of World Mission Ministries.

If you are unable to attend in the evening, there will be an 8:15 liturgy each morning at St. Agnes, followed by a light breakfast and video repeat of the previous night's presentation.

For further information contact Sr. Carol Ann Jaeger at 251-0897 ext. 203 or Mike George at 414-358-2833.

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