Thursday, November 12, 2009

House Hold Activity, November 12, 2009

I drive by a house that has a tree cut out and taped to their picture window. Each time that I drive by, it seems as though there are more leaves on it. I wanted to investigate this further so one day I made a point of going past this house on my walk. The cut out leaves had names of people and events written on them. I think it may have been a kind of "Thank You Tree".
You might want to try doing this over the next couple of weeks. If you don't want to create a tree, you could simple keep a list of things that you are thankful for. I watched a group of fourth graders do this once and it was very impressive! Perhaps each member of your house hold could come up with one (or 2, or 3) thing that you can thank God for each day. Try not to repeat any items on your list. Think of all the things that God has blessed you with! See if you can come up with 100 things before Thanksgiving Day and be sure to use them as you count your blessings on this special Holiday!

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