Thursday, March 25, 2010

Holy Week is almost here!

As we enter the holiest week of the year, you are encouraged to spend a little time in thought, reflection, and prayer. We have a number of church service that you are welcome to participate in.

  • March 26th, 6:30 p.m. - Stations of the Cross

  • March 26th, 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. - 4th/5th Grade Retreat

  • March 27th, 10:30 a.m. - Reconciliation Service in Church

  • April 1st, 7:00 p.m. - Holy Thursday Liturgy

  • April 2nd, 1:00 & 7:00 p.m. - Good Friday Services

  • April 3rd, 8:00 p.m. - Holy Saturday Liturgy

  • April 4th, 8:15 & 10:15 a.m. - Easter Liturgies

All of these events are wonderful ways to observe this week. At Home you might want to eat a meal in candle light and talk about how important shared meals are (Jesus last meal). You might want to watch a movie or read the scriptures about the passion (Good Friday). On Holy Saturday you might want to prepare Easter eggs and talk about how eggs are a sign of new life. Perhaps you can share some of these symbols with other. What ever you do this Holy Week, be sure to pause and ponder the awesomeness of this story of our faith. It is truly an act of love by our God.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Images and the movie from the GIFT Stations of the Cross

Here are the images and the movie that we used during the GIFT presentation this past weekend:

This icon is called The Virgin of Vladimir.  No one knows it's painter.  Click here for more information on the Virgin of Vladimir.

 This is a Russian icon of the crucifixion of Jesus.  I haven't found it's author or any other information.

Video from Youtube of the sixth station

May these images bless you during Lent!


Mini-Workcamp is scheduled for Saturday, APRIL 24th!
Mini-Workcamp is a day long service project where adults and teens from the Cooperating Churches of Sussex (of which St. James is a part) do Spring clean up for area senior citizens. We need all of you to pray that it doesn't rain!!! Unfortunately last year was a washout with pouring rain, thunder and lightening but we're hoping for a more favorable forecast this year.

Seniors in the area could use help with some Spring cleanup projects such as raking, gutter cleaning and window washing. Teens in Grade 7 and up are needed to provide this service along with some adults who will help facilitate small groups of youth in accomplishing their assigned tasks.

Youth Gr. 7 and up who would like to participate in Mini-Workcamp can pick up a pink form at the Information Booth, and Adults wanting to help can pick up a blue form after weekend Masses. For your convenience registration forms are also available on the BLOG at

All registration forms should be mailed to Greg Zyla (as shown on the registration form) by APRIL 9th.

If you have any questions about Mini-Workcamp feel free to call Diana in the Christian Formation Office at 251-0897 ext. 200.


Are you on Facebook!?!? Did you know you can keep up with the latest events/news at St.James by becoming a fan at


St. James is in need of at least 10 more Easter Baskets for our parishioners that are homebound. Your family could help by creating a self-contained Easter Basket, that could include items like Note Cards, Puzzle Books, Lotions, Non-Skid Socks, Spring or Easter Decorations. Anything your family can create would be appreciated. ...... Please drop off your Easter Basket by Sunday, March 28th in the back of church.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

4th & 5th Grade Retreat Information

Your fourth or fifth grader is invited to a retreat at St. James on Friday, March 26th.  Check out the flyer below for more information:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Praying your Way through Lent

How is your household doing with the practice of Prayer this Lent?

Are you finding the time to pray each day?

  • Here are a few suggestions of some moments/methods of prayer that you might try.

Try keeping a prayer jar or bowl with all the people, events, intentions, and requests that you want to pray for. Try to add to your jar once a day.

Sing your favorite hymn from Church while driving in the car or taking a shower.

Pray for the person in need when you hear an Ambulance siren.

Say a short prayer of hope such as, "God help us to use the give of this day to its fullest" when you wake up or wake up your child to a new day.

Pray at bedtime for someone who did a kindness to you today. (ideas taken from Tom McGrath's "Raising Faith Filled Kids")

What is your favorite way to pray? Maybe you can share it here. Whatever form your prayers take, the most important thing is to keep praying!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

District 4/5 High School Senior Retreat (2010)

Do you know a high school senior who would be interested in a retreat crafted just for them?  Check out the flyer below:
Contact Isaac in the CF office for more information.